Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost of the program?

The program is free – there are no fees to work with a crisis counselor or to attend any of the trainings offered by the program.


What types of services are funded through the CCP?

The CCP provided the following services:

  • Individual crisis counseling
  • Basic supportive or educational contact
  • Group crisis counseling
  • Public education
  • Community networking and support
  • Assessment, referral and resource linkage
  • Development and distribution of educational materials
  • Media and public service announcements.


What is crisis counseling?

Crisis counseling is a strengths-based, outreach-oriented approach to helping disaster survivors identify and access personal and community resources that will aid in the recovery process.  It consists primarily of supportive, educational, face-to-face interventions with individuals and communities in their natural environments.  During a pandemic this may look different and be done more through virtual means.


Why crisis counseling?

Disaster may leave most people physically unharmed, but if does affect everyone who experiences it.  Crisis counseling provides survivors with the support, education and skills they need to regain control and rebuild their lives.


What kind of data do you collect?

The crisis counseling program is anonymous.  However, the crisis counselors are required to document the services they provide.  No personal information is collected.


What if I need further help than what the CCP can provide?

The crisis counselors can refer you to services outside of the CCP where you can find additional support and assistance.

Who oversees this program?

The CCP is a federally funded program that is administered by the state mental health authority.  In Missouri, that is the Department of Mental Health Office of Disaster Services. The program is overseen at the federal level by FEMA and SAMHSA.